There's Favor in Excellence (Audio) Pastor Patrick Ligon
Tags and Topics
Fresh Start Living, Focused Lifestyle, Accepting God's Free Forgiveness, Salvation Provided at the Cross; Expecting to Receive God's Favor; Risen Savior; Strong Belief; Something will Happen; Favor; Willingness of God; Raise up Others; Power; Ability; Influence; Accelerant; Favor Accelerants; Blessing Others; Worship; Impartation; Excellence; Superior, Un-compromised Living; Attention to Detail; Gives Birth to Superior Performance; Quality Presentation; Excellence; Glorifies God; Brings Promotion and Increase; Success Acceleration; Speaks in Your Absence; Summons Attention; Source of attraction; Superior Appearance; Sovereign Accountability; Spiritual Attribute; Reasons for Trouble; Challenge of the Times; Call of God on my Life; Human Error; Satanic Attack; Mean People; Prioritize Excellence; Proclaim Excellence; Prize Excellence; Pursue Excellence; The Discipline to Prioritize Excellence; Discipline Defined; Enforced Obedience; The Diligence to Prioritize Excellence; Practice Until performance Is Quick and Fluid is Like Liquid; Approaching I Face Today; Renewed Strength; Greater Blessings; Rewards from you; Free Grace; Forgiveness; Salvation; Delivered; Redeemer; Healer; Covering; Sustainer; Rose from the Grave; I have the Victory; Christ; I Can Do All Things; New Creature in Christ Jesus; Old Things that Have Hindered Me Have Passed Away; All Things Become New
05.10.2020; 05-10-2020; May-10-2020